The new year begins with a total eclipse and a bloody moon


The new year begins with a total eclipse and a bloody moon

Sunday – 22 months Rabi II 1440 H – 30th December 2018

The giant bloody moon during surveillance in Hong Kong (Reuters)

New York: The Middle East Online

The world is witnessing two cosmic phenomena in January, when the appearance of the giant moon coincides with a total eclipse of the moon.
The giant moon is called the "wolf moon", approaching the earth more than usual and projecting its red shadow on the ground, the sun enters the earth's atmosphere in heading towards the moon and takes on the red color that is written by the solar disk at sunset. According to the American website "Business Insider".
On January 20, the earth will pass between the sun and the moon, illuminate the sun and cast a shadow on the moon. The lunar eclipse should last an hour and two minutes. The last lunar eclipse took place in July and the next lunar eclipse would take place in May 2021, according to astronomers' forecasts.
Eclipses will be evident in North America, South America, Greenland, Iceland, Western Europe and Africa. People from other parts of the world will see a partial eclipse.


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