The news of the death of Saudi artist Mohammed Abdo has swept the communication sites of many Arab countries, but close sources have denied the validity of this news, pointing out that it was simply a matter of A rumor became "routine".
It was not the first time rumors had been about the death of an Arab artist. Twitter has witnessed many hashtags on this issue, as have rumors of its removal of art that have circulated among users of these sites without any real evidence.
For its part, the company "Rotana", the date of the concert to be held by the artist Mohamed Abdo in Cairo, added that the concert would be held on Thursday, August 22 at the hall of Cairo, Nile Ritz- Carlton Hotel.
It should be noted that Mohammed Abdo, recently presented a concert with Angham artist at the Heritage Village Theater of Baha City, Saudi Arabia, and many other concerts.
Mohammad Abdo is a Saudi singer born in 1949 in the province of Al-Darb in the Jizan region in southern Saudi Arabia. Regarded as one of the most famous artists of the Arab world, he is highly respected on the art scene.
This article "The news of the death of Mohammed Abdo, a vast network of communication in the Arab world", is an adaptation of the site (Sawa). It does not reflect in any way the site's policy or point of view, but the responsibility for the new or accuracy of the original version is Sawa.
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