At the E3 2019 show held earlier this year, Microsoft confirmed that it was already working on the next generation of Xbox. We know little about this device, except that Microsoft is working on it, but unofficial sources have told us that it will likely include a special AMD processor, GDDR6 RAM and SSD cache.
It is said of all this that the next generation of Xbox will be four times more powerful than the current Xbox One. After talking with GameSpot, Microsoft Xbox President Phil Spencer revealed additional details about the next generation of Xbox. .
According to Phil Spencer, "I think the aspect we really want to focus on in the next generation of Xbox is the frame rate and the gameplay. Make sure the games load at an incredible speed, and that the game runs at the highest possible frame rate. We are also the company behind the Windows system, so we see the work in progress for the computers and the work done by the developers. People like 60 fps, so I think playing 4K games at 60 fps would be a real goal. "
The frame rate and resolution were one of the controversial features of the first release of Xbox One, as many games were compared when running on the Playstation 4 and the Xbox One. We do not have any information yet about when to launch the next generation of Xbox, but we will continue to monitor the situation for more information.
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