The orientation office begins to receive applications for 2,000 positions


According to the Al-Mawtani newspaper, the orientation office begins to receive applications for 2,000 jobs The Al-Wasat newspaper, which contains the news of the bus orientation office, receives 2,000 requests d & # 39; employment.

Al-Wasat newspaper Mecca and Medina in preparation for the Hajj season for this year 1439 e. Abdullah bin Hassan Sindi, general manager of the Makkah and Madinah office, said the office was beginning to prepare the Hajj season, in constant coordination with the other service agencies, to facilitate the transport of pilgrims and deliver them to their homes. a record time.

He pointed out that the Office is currently receiving applications from candidates for seasonal jobs in administrative and field positions and is guiding buses carrying pilgrims for the Hajj season this year in 1439, and the number of over 2000 seasonal employees.

Sindi, all those wishing to join seasonal jobs this year, has requested a review of the bus guide's website to inquire about the requirements and register the job application.

On the other hand, Yasser Kurdi, Deputy Director General of Mecca, stated that the initial preparations implemented by the Office since the beginning of each year were in accordance with the guidelines of the Minister of Hajj and Umrah, Dr. Mohammed bin Saleh Benten, and the support of the coordinating body of the institutions of the heads of the communities and the General Union of cars.

The "Kurdi" that "the sightseeing bus office sites in Mecca and Medina, working 24 hours a day, with trained national cadres and guides, were trained and qualified to serve the guests of Rahman with the modern technologies developed to achieve the goals. And work on the pilgrims since their arrival in the Holy Land and even leave after the conduct of the Hajj rituals with ease and facility ".

and proved that the office is working to facilitate the arrival of pilgrims to their homes using the latest technology in line with the national transformation agenda, and the vision of the 2030 Kingdom and seek to achieve their goals through services provided to pilgrims. Tomorrow morning .. Shura discusses the reduction of the electricity tariff A citizen surprised by the increase in the electricity bill of 200 to 4000 riyals
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Source: citizen newspaper

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