The planet "Walid" hit Jupiter .. And plunged into the "heart of the giant"


The planet "Walid" hit Jupiter .. And plunged into the "heart of the giant"

Jupiter, the planet's largest solar system, could have collided with Jupiter, the world's largest planet, soon after its completion, in a terrible collision that apparently left lasting effects on Jupiter's heart, have said researchers.

The violent collision, which should explain the information gathered by NASA 's Juno satellite, could have occurred millions of years after the birth of the Sun, about 4.5 billion years ago.

"We believe that collisions, particularly massive collisions, could have been common during the formation of the solar system," said astronomer Andrea Isela, a researcher at Rice University in Houston, "for example, our moon It's formed after a similar event, but the collision we're assuming with Jupiter has been huge. " ".

In this scenario, the planet in formation and colliding with Jupiter, the giant planet, immersed itself in the depths of the huge planet that swallowed it.

Jupiter, a massive gaseous planet covered with dense red, brown, yellow and white clouds, reaches 143,000 kilometers in diameter.

"Juno measures the gravitational field of Jupiter with exceptional accuracy," said Shang Fei Liu, an associate professor of astronomy at Sun Yat-sen University in Zhuhai, China, who heads the team. Research published in the journal Nature: Scientists use this information to determine the materials that make up the planet and its internal structures. "

The planet "Walid" hit Jupiter .. And plunged into the "heart of the giant"

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