The price of Saudi riyal on Monday 19-8-2019 in all banks in Egypt


With Monday's trading record The price of Saudi riyal A new high at the Islamic Bank of Abu Dhabi (ADIB) 3 hours ago reached EGP 4.40, buy at 4.44 GBP, while it's stabilized Saudi Riyal Exchange Rate In HDB for the second consecutive week at 4.33 pounds buy for 4.48 pounds on sale, the average record The price of Saudi riyal Monday According to the latest reports, EGP 4.39 buy and EGP 4.45 for sale.

The price of Saudi riyal

The price of the riyal at the National Bank of Egypt was bought at 4.39 pounds against 4.33 pounds. The Bank of Egypt bought 4.39 for 4.43 sales, while the Egyptian Gulf Bank recorded the highest price for buying the riyal compared to prices in other banks at 4.41. books. African International has the lowest selling price of 4.43 SAR.

The Bank of Alexandria obtained a sale price of 4.38 for 4.33 EGP, while Bank Audi recorded 4.32 EGP for 4.44 EGP.

The price of Saudi riyal Monday is constantly updated

After the decision to float Egyptian currency, the supply and demand factors have become one of the most important factors that control all the prices of currencies against the Egyptian pound and can see their value. change several times during the working days of the official banks depending on the importance of the request. Org is automatically updated throughout the day from the banks.

Saudi Riyal against sterling at United Bank bought £ 4.38 and £ 4.44 for sale.

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