The price of the dollar today, Tuesday 12-3-2019


The dollar was stable on Tuesday, March 12, 2015. The dollar was set at the level of all banks operating in Egypt after the weakening of the US dollar last week.

The dollar price has stabilized and stabilized in a number of banks, set at 17.38 pounds at the purchase and at 17.48 pounds for sale at most banks operating in the banking market Egyptian, provided by the National Bank of Egypt.

The dollar price in the central bank of Egypt

17.37 pounds to the purchase

EGP 17.5 for sale

The dollar price at the National Bank of Egypt

17.38 pounds at the purchase

EGP 17.48 for sale

The dollar price at Banque Misr

17.38 pounds at the purchase

EGP 17.48 for sale

Dollar rate at the Islamic bank of Abu Dhabi

17.4 EGP for purchase

EGP 17.5 for sale

The price of the dollar in CIB

17.38 pounds at the purchase

EGP 17.48 for sale

The dollar price at the bank of Alexandria

17.39 pounds to the purchase

EGP 17.49 for sale

The dollar price at Bank Audi

17.39 pounds to the purchase

EGP 17.49 for sale

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