The "purple" hand of Queen Elizabeth worries the followers


The left hand of the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth, in which she recently appeared in an official form, raised serious concerns about her health.

King Abdullah II and his wife, Rania, welcomed Queen Elizabeth II during their visit to Buckingham Palace in London.

But it is striking that the image caught the attention of all when she noticed the color of the Queen's left hand, the strange Elizabeth II, which raised concerns about the Queen of England health, where many who saw her wanted a speedy recovery.

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The previous month, the queen had surgery on her eyes.

Last June, it was reported that the Queen of England had been forced to withdraw from a meeting in St. Paul's Cathedral for compelling reasons, but had returned to office a few days later.

Regardless of the color of the queen's hand, which has exceeded nine decades, Elizabeth II exercised her royal duties with all due respect.

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