The Samsung DeX Galaxy Note 9 phone system will not need a docking station


The technological news of today where Samsung DeX is the platform announced by Samsung for the first time with the Galaxy S8 and the Galaxy S8 last year. Samsung has introduced this platform as the future of mobile computing. All you have to do is get the Samsung DeX Station base and connect it to an external monitor, and connect the phone to the base for an experience similar to your desktop experience. This is not because of many factors, but Samsung seems to have returned to the drawing board to recreate the Samsung DeX experience specifically for the Galaxy Note 9.

The previous Samsung DeX was annoying as it requires a special accessory called Samsung DeX Station,. So, there are many people who have not bothered to buy this supplement.

Several reports now indicate that the Samsung DeX experience in Galaxy Note 9 will not require special extension. It will be possible to use Samsung DeX interface without having to base Samsung DeX Station or Samsung DeX Pad. What users need is an adapter that converts a Type-C USB port into an HDMI port.

This will definitely be an easy and inexpensive solution for Galaxy Note 9 owners to have similar production experience to the production experience on personal computers on their screens without having to spend more than 100 $ on the extension can be abandoned forever Time.

The USB Type-C to HDMI adapter only costs a few dollars and will be able to do the job. The Samsung DeX interface will be open once the phone connected to an external monitor, and users will be able to wirelessly connect the keyboard and mouse to the device using Bluetooth technology

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