The Saudi flag flies at the University of Hartford in honor of Al Raqa alumni & # 39;


The Saudi flag flies to the University of Hartford in honor of Al Raqa scholars & # 39;
In a human gesture to express their gratitude for their heroism and sacrifice, the University of Hartford lifted for a week the Saudi flag on the university square to recall the heroic stance of the students Thib al Yami and Jasser al Yami saved during the drowning of two children.

The University called for reflection of the attitude of Deeb and Jasser and said: "We are lucky and proud to be experienced as students in our institution. "

The United States expressed its sincere condolences to the families and friends of Saudi students. "The sinking of the two young men who bravely rescued two children from drowning is a model for foreign students and those who enrich communities in the United States," said Heather Newright, spokesman for the state department. . Deeb and Jasser were among Saudi students studying in the United States and reflected a broader international understanding and diverse perspectives on US campuses and communities, and in their country.
