The silent killer is the second leading cause of death in America


Information on the infiltration of the "silent killer" has been reported, becoming the second leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease.
"Lung cancer" is one of those diseases that suddenly enter people. This person is at an advanced stage and kills about 25% of adults with cancer, The Ipoh Times reported.
The paper says that the crisis behind it, is that simple and normal symptoms may be the beginning of lung cancer, such as flu or cough, and that many do not care.
The paper noted a series of signs that could lead to lung cancer infiltration, the first continuous cough, usually accompanied by an influenza vaccine, and disappearing after a few weeks. It can be a dry cough or accompanied by sputum, and many are wasting time. And go to the doctor, although this could be the beginning of how to develop lung cancer.
The second warning is to cough with blood.When you find that the cough comes out with a small amount of mucus mixed with blood or even simple blood patches, the person should seek immediate medical attention.
This is also a sign of shortness of breath and often appears in the elderly. In addition, excessive physical activity, such as climbing stairs, or simple exercise tasks before and who feel very tired, in addition to chest pain, may be the symptom other diseases. Such as infections or pulmonary embolism, but should go to the doctor quickly to check.

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