The Song "The Sons of Adam" by Hani Farouk, Jenna and Jannat Rabee


The Mzika channel launched the song "The Sons of Adam" of singer Hany Farouk and Jannat Rabie and Jana, which are the lyrics of Emad Obaid and Hani Farouk and the cast of Zizou Farouq and recorded in Studio Resala and directed by Kamba.

On the other hand, the trio is working on the final preparations for the launch of a varied musical album entitled "Stars of Egypt" characterized by the diversity of melodies, labyrinths and words, Spring Productions.

  Jana "src =" "Jana" / <br /> <span>  Jana </span></div>
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<div><img alt=

  Hany Farouk
هانى فاروق [19659005]

  هاني وجنا وجنات "Username Remember Me Forgot your password? FAQ Social Groups Calendar Mark Forums Read as" class = "c5" title = (19659006) <br /> <span>  <br /> <span>  Hany, Jenna and Janat from the scenes of the shooting of the video </span></div>
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