The story of the creation of the first photography studio in the Arab world | Video


Ashraf Bella, the owner of the famous studio “Bella”, revealed the details of the creation of the studio by a Hungarian artist named “Bella” about 130 years ago, specifically in 1890.

During her meeting with Assem Al-Shandawili, the correspondent of the program “Sabah Al-Balad” broadcast on the channel Sada Al-Balad today, Monday, Bella explained that due to the narrowness of the English occupation Hungarian citizens in Egypt during this period, the Hungarians left Egypt in 1940, including the owner of the studio “Bella”, leaving the studio to a Lebanese citizen, with his grandfather Fahmy Pasha Allam, pointing out that the studio remains both artistic and political.

He pointed out that the “Bella” studio is considered the first studio to be established in Egypt and the Arab world, pointing out that the king and his courtiers once used the “Bella” studio when they wanted to photograph thanks to its proximity. at the Abdeen Palace.

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