International Committee of the Red Cross
ICRC: Suffering Afghan civilians remains high
A Monday, August 12, 2019 – 13:56
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has expressed frustration with the vision of the ongoing peace talks on Afghanistan, noting that the suffering of civilians in this region remains high.
"The number of civilian casualties is still very high and all parties to the conflict must redouble their efforts to prevent the loss and death of civilians," the commission said in a report released on Monday.
Aerial bombardments, night raids and attacks in rural and populated areas resulted in the death and mutilation of bodies of men, women and children who were not camel-worthy, and targeted homes, mosques, schools, markets and health facilities.
"The suffering of civilians in Afghanistan is a very limited concern and must be protected and respected at all times, as well as the protection of all parties against medical personnel," said Juan Pedro Shearer, a Red Cross official. Only 59 incidents occurred in the first half of 2019. &
He called on the parties to the conflict to allow unhindered access of patients to health services, regardless of their affiliation, and expressed grave concern about the plight of those detained by all parties in the conflict. context of the ongoing conflict.
He stressed that the basic needs of Afghan civilians were increasing, including through security, especially for people in need of food, water, shelter and security, who have experienced the greatest number of people. Incidents involving aid workers in recent years. The Red Cross will remain committed to its work in Afghanistan.
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This article, "The ICRC: the suffering of civilians in Afghanistan is still important," is an adaptation of Akhbar al-Youm, which in no way reflects the policy or views of the site.
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