The team of astronomers who took the picture of a black hole in a galaxy won an international award


Astronomers who took the picture of a black hole in a galaxy won an international award

The team of astronomers, made up of 357 scientists, won the Special Prize Discovery of the International Mathematics Prize for photographing a black hole in a galaxy at 53.5 million Earth years.

As part of the Event Horizon Telescope project, which brought together eight radio observatories from the United States, Mexico, Chile, Spain and France, scientists monitored the black hole in April 2018 and then treated information obtained within two years.

The mathematician Alexander Askin, from the United States, is one of the recipients of this award. He has conducted studies on the reflection of light from mirrors.

The Breakthrough Prize was awarded for the first time in 2013 and was awarded annually. It was founded by Russian businessman Alexander Milner, Facebook's president, Mark Zuckerberg, and one of Google's founders, Sergey Brin.

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Source: Arabs today

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