The test of Watsab on Android devices reveals the addition of "dark mode"


A trial version of Watasab for Android devices revealed the long-awaited application of "Dark Mode" "And Vita Info."

The feature is not yet available to users, but it explains the benefits of this feature in dark gray and not black, which will extend the battery life and make it easier to use. dark places.

"The darkness" in Watsab for Android devices is supposed to be very similar to its counterpart EOS, and it is still unclear when to be officially added.

This article is a "trial version of" Watasab "for Android devices reveals the addition of the" dark mode "" cited by the site's news site and that we quote from the site (figures), and in no way reflects the site's policy or point of view, Responsibility The new or authenticity of the source of the original news are numbers.

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