The truth about the death of artist George Wassouf


The director of the artist’s media office, George Wassouf, has denied rumors circulating about the artist’s death.

George Wassouf’s name appeared on numerous social media pages linked to the news of his death, which frightened his fans.

Maya Avocad, office manager of George Wassouf, said: “Abu Wadih is a thousand times good, and we don’t know who is the reason, and we are surprised by the series of rumors about Abu Wadih, who works and gives concerts all over the Arab world, the last of which was held at the Jerash festival in Jordan, and the party was a great success and the hope of all fans. Abu Wadih, they are not behind the rumors.

Over a week ago, George Wassouf sang many of his songs at the Jerash Festival, and the concert saw a large number of his fans flock to Jordan, which brought in security. to prevent the public from entering after the concert. the place was full.

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