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Standard 10-year Treasury yields climbed to over 18% as the index dropped Turkish banking sector 7 percent.
Sources told Reuters that Turkish banks had begun to block cash in the lira on the foreign exchange market in London and that they would continue until the local elections scheduled for at least Sunday, bringing the exchange rate of the pound sterling at 1,000% London.
Said an analyst for the brokerage company "Foreign investors, who generally turn to read through the swap market, are now selling on demand Read. They are also out of bond ".
The yield on 10-year benchmark bonds fell from 17.35% to 18.23% on Tuesday.
The yield on two-year Treasury bonds increased from 19.98% to 20.53%.
The standard 10-year Treasury yields reached more than 18%, while the Turkish banking sector fell by 7%.
Turkish banks have begun to lock up liquidity in the London swap market and will continue until the local elections are scheduled for at least Sunday, pushing the lira exchange rate to 1% in London, according to news reports. sources at Reuters.
"Foreign investors, who generally turn to read it via the swap market, are now selling because of demand for the pound sterling," said a stock market analyst at a brokerage firm.
The yield on 10-year benchmark bonds fell from 17.35% to 18.23% on Tuesday.
The yield on two-year Treasury bonds increased from 19.98% to 20.53%.