The United Nations reveals a great threat to the world!


The health

The United Nations reveals a great threat to the world!


The UN reveals a threat to health in the world!

A historical report from the UN warned that plastic pollution is one of the biggest health threats in the world.

The report assesses the risks of environmental pollutants to human life: the eight million tonnes of plastics thrown into the sea each year is one of the threats that require urgent action, but so far there is no international agreement to stop the flow.

The 700-page "GEO" report was unveiled and collected by 250 scientists from 250 countries of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in Nairobi.

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The report warns that 80% of plastics that end up at sea come from the land. It also states: "Marine plastic waste can have a significant impact on the environment, including entanglements and ingestion, and can also be a vector vector of invasive species and other contaminants."

The threat includes other risks to the health of humanity, including the inappropriate use of pesticides and heavy metals, which are "extremely worrying" and "alarmingly high in our food reserves. ".

The world population is currently 7.7 billion, but by 2050, the planet will have about 10 billion inhabitants. Incentives to reduce meat consumption, such as taxes, will be urgent to promote "sustainable and healthy food".

By 2050, bacteria resistant to microbes in the water can become a major cause of death, unless controlled.

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The United Nations has declared that a quarter of all deaths and premature illnesses in the world is due to human-caused pollution and environmental damage.

The report states that poor environmental conditions "have caused about 25% of the world's illnesses and deaths". This number has reached some 9 million deaths in 2015 alone.

Chemicals injected into the sea have "potentially multigenerational" health effects.

The report warned that "urgent action of unprecedented scale is needed to control this situation and reverse it".

Source: Daily Mail

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