The victim of the "Blue Whale" in the city arrived at the hospital in the morning


Sources confirmed to "previously" that the Blue Whale victim in Madinah arrived at the hospital Friday at 6am, died from asphyxiation, sources said that preliminary information indicates that the game Blue Whale is the main cause of the incident, while there were different rumors about the existence of the child's play, or had to adopt the child "Blue whale victim in his father". 19659004] It is expected that the authorities concerned in Medina will issue a press release

Sources: A victim of the "blue whale" in the city arrived at the hospital in the morning .. The investigation is in progress


Sources have confirmed to "previously" that the Blue Whale victim in Madinah arrived at the hospital on Friday. 6 o'clock in the morning, died of asphyxiation suffered, while the incident was handed over to the concerned authorities.

Sources indicate that preliminary information indicates that the game Pisces Blue is the main cause of the incident, while there were different rumors about the existence of the game at the l & 39; child, or was to adopt the child "victim of the"

It is expected that the authorities concerned in Medina will issue a press release during the coming hours, clarifying all the details of the Incident that was unique to the "previous."

06 July 2018 – 22 Shawwal 1439

The sources concerned will issue a statement clarifying all the details of the incident

Sources confirmed to "previously" that the victim of the blue whale in Medina arrived at the hospital Friday at 6am, died of asphyxia suffered, while the incident was handed over to the authorities concerned

The sources said that Preliminary information indicates that the game Blue Whal e is the main cause of the incident, While rumors were about the existence of the girl's game, or that she was taking the child "blue whale victim in his father. "

Authorities concerned should issue a press release in the coming hours to clarify all details of the incident 19659019] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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