The wedding of the Kuwaiti actor Hassan Al Balam – Photos


The Kuwaiti actor Hassan Al-Balam married an outdoor girl at the art center, where he held the Qur'an in a quiet environment, especially in the presence of his parents and several of his friends who posted on their private pages on a social network site images of the Koran's contract.

Among them was Habib Al-Ghaloum, the Emirati actor who posted on his private page a photo showing the signing of the contract. He said: "We congratulate our dear friend Hassan Al-Balam for keeping the Quran and wishing him good, happiness and peace of mind.

The Kuwaiti actor Fahad Al-Bannai also posted a photo on his own page while he was signing the witness contract while he was sitting next to him. He said: "Congratulations Abu Ali.What a joy to witness your wedding.Compliments, Abu Ali.You and your good offspring, Lord .. Hassan Balam wedding .. Hajji even the moments of cats and leyyish laugh .

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