Causes of inflammation of the tongue
– There are people who speak a language by mistake or who always have a bad habit, resulting in lesions and inflammation of the tongue.
– Hormonal changes that can affect the glands of the mouth can cause inflammation of the tongue. Some people have genes that are causing this type of inflammation.
– A bacterial infection that can infect the mouth can cause tongue infections, especially if the person is suffering from a weak immune system. In addition, the types of inflammation affecting the gums and the internal parts of the mouth can extend up to the tongue, as can the burns from the mouth resulting from the consumption of alcohol. hot foods can cause inflammation.
– The consumption of certain foods containing large amounts of spices and chili may also result in inflammation of the tongue. In addition, the occurrence of infections of the stomach or any part of the digestive system can result in an infection of the tongue.
Some medications are used to treat oral infections in general, especially tongue infections, but in many cases, tongue infections can be treated with natural substances, such as aloe vera gel, which is applied to the tongue by direct contact several times a day or with juice as mouthwash. .
In addition, water and saline can be used about four times a day. Saline is one of the main substances that help reduce inflammation in the mouth and eliminate the bacteria that cause inflammation in the mouth. language.
This article, "These Causes of Language Infection and Treatment Methods", is from Lebanon 24 and does not reflect the site's policy or viewpoint of any form, and the responsibility lies with the source. or the authenticity of the source of the original information.
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