They can be taken together .. a promising flu and corona vaccine study


As winter approaches, people usually rush to get their flu shot, which is common during this season, but the advent of Corona has reduced that demand and has also made many people reluctant to take the flu shot. mix the two vaccines.

However, the scientific results have come with reassuring results. A recent UK study has shown that there is nothing wrong with receiving a vaccine to prevent Covid-19 and a flu shot at the same time, as it does not negatively affect the immune response produced by either. the other.

Mild side effects

The study conducted by the University of Bristol, according to what was reported by Agence France-Presse, also found that the reported side effects were generally mild to moderate in tests performed with three influenza vaccines with any what dose of Corona vaccines, whether produced. by Pfizer or AstraZeneca.

In this context, lead researcher Rajika Lazarus stressed the importance of this study, adding that “the results of this study have been submitted to the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization for consideration, and will help policy makers plan for the future. of these important immunization programs. “

The study included 679 volunteers in 12 locations across England and Wales. One group received two doses of the COVID-19 and influenza vaccine on the first visit, with a placebo given on the second visit.

Another group received the Corona vaccine and a placebo on the same day, followed by the flu shot on the second day.

The preliminary results showed that no harm was recorded after taking the two vaccines.

It should be noted that the full results will be published in the Lancet.

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