Thirty years after the birth of a pact for data exchange on the Web that has turned into a monster


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On March 12, 2019, the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) celebrates the 30th anniversary of the birth of the Web. Tim Berners-Lee and his assistant, Robert Kayo, will host a full day of seminars and web-based discussions to discuss the challenges and opportunities offered by innovative technologies. 1990.

Thirty years after the birth of "Web " It can be said that the concept that led to the birth of the World Wide Web does not necessarily coincide with that of the World Wide Web today. The human imagination can not expect the superpower to reach this vast amount of knowledge and data. Internet has changed the world for better and for worse.

The discussion will take place at Geneva About how to put " A new world order"The Web will discuss theCERN Past, present and future Web Faced with the technical challenges of today "Web"And the need to regulate services Web In the legal frameworks, and also discuss ways to tax the giants who devour now Web And Internet services.

Birth of the Web on March 13, 1989

In Thirteenth From March 1989 he developed Tim Berners-Lee foundations"Web" Or the World Wide Web world Wide WebThis allowed the Internet to break free from academic and military exclusivity in the exchange of information. Here we must distinguish between "Web "and" Internet ", Internet is " The network was launched in the United States in 1969 under the name ARPANET Network of the Agency for Advanced Research Projects – Link universities and research institutes through computers, the core of what will become the Internet.

C & # 39; was Tim Berners-Lee, Young Engineer at the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN, Need to classify and recover discrete data and files on control systems used to develop particle accelerator control systems. Breakfast is a small program with a name Ask about Navigate between files saved between different systems using hyperlinks HyperText.

In May 1990 Supported label world Wide WebFor a project Tim Berners-Lee, A team of researchers started with Berners Lee And his assistant Robert Cayo Work on the development of basic techniques for Web sites: web addresses, hypertext transfer protocol for web data transfer, hypertext markup language for creating web pages, and hypertext markup language for creating web pages.

December 25, 1990 What you will learn about the global network is born world Wide WebWith the first, First website and first Internet server In a computer and a server Server Of type Next.

April 30, 1993 The European Nuclear Research Organization (ENRO) launched the first public Internet site and developed free Internet technology and source code for all, becoming a global model and standard.

Later found Tim Berners-Lee In October 1994 W3CWorld Wide Web Consortium It is an organization that develops basic Web standards, standards and standards, and site development technologies.

Where is the World Wide Web after thirty years?

But is he out "Web" After thirty years, on the goals of the founder of the World Wide Web Tim Berners Lee? Unfortunately, the answer is yes, considered Tim Berners Lee That his invention was "ripped off by crooks". Turning "Web " Towards a platform where misleading information and hatred spread like a virus. And where users give up their lives to those who pay the best price, often for free in exchange for a goalless service. And also become "Web "A platform for those who want to make money fast.

Today we see what the World Wide Web has become: the big Internet groups do not just collect data, they control what we call the Internet today. highway information. The giants of the digital industry are today more powerful than countries and governments. Today, it is difficult to limit their capacity and strength. The stakes are not just tax and competitive for the G-Group GAFAM, They are also very active on the political scene, through techniques manipulating user behavior and influencing The artificial intelligenceThey have the power to destroy the foundations of our societies.

We have only recently realized how great digital businesses are, through what happened in American presidential election And the following elections and referendumBrexit The exit of Britain from the European Union. And other elections in the world. And also the role Social platforms In the publication Misleading news And manipulation of the feelings of voters. Misleading news has tarnished all attempts Democratic debate. And with a scandal Cambridge Analytica What has emerged is the successful and intensive use of all the techniques that modify a behavior, which is much more disturbing than the Misleading news.

We currently have a strong symbiotic relationship with different applications, which we need as they need our data. The ease of use of applications and services made the man non-interactive and lazy. Well, race Lycat And participants on social platforms feel more than once a day feelings of happiness or depression. The example was with the process of the company Cambridge Analytica, Which thanks to the use of Misleading newsDid the tool or method stir up some voters and make them Impatient and immutable Accept or understand the real and correct view. Unlike television, those who want to manipulate the emotions of users can, for example, directly reach the voter via their smart phone, while maintaining the same extreme psychological / psychological weakness. This technique used for advertising, to suggest what is important for the user, is used to change the behavior of the user in order to take care of certain things, Gerasimov , Has become a scary tool once it is applied in politics.

Can I repair the network?

Despite this, Tim Berners-Lee remains optimistic for the future. "Given all the changes that have taken place on the Internet in the last 30 years, we will be aggressive and not creative to consider that the global network we know today can not be improved over the next 30 years", did he declare. Which was developed by the Foundation broad word web foundation Who was presented in November 2018 In Lisbon.

Works Tim Berners Lee With a group of developers and engineers on a project to solve the problem Web Across the platform Solid "social related data", In collaboration with researchers from Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMassachusetts Institute of Technology.Goal decentralized Internet andDo not control By companies but only users, in addition, the project Open source Which means that it is possible for everyone to edit it and read the code "project".

As a project Solid Aspires to reduce the large capacity of Internet companies Google, Facebook and Amazon In the control of the user data. according to Tim Berners-Lee The goal is to give people privacy and total control over their data, as well as to benefit Internet users and allow them to control their data. They will have the freedom to choose how to take advantage of this data. We now know how these giants are using user data to deliver advertising services to advertisers on all platforms.

Nayla al-Sulabi

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