This country never tired of trying to rise – Ali Mohamed Fakhro


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Wednesday, March 13, 2019 – 23:25
| Last update:
Wednesday, March 13, 2019 – 23:25

Day after day, outside forces, still conspiring against the Arab homeland and internal forces, still rejecting any real reform that might affect their interests, privileges and influence, succeed in thwarting any mass Arab movement seeking to evade political tyranny and economic despotism as well as dependence on the will of the outside world. Wild Neoliberal Wild.
What distinguishes this scene is the determination to make it a scene of conflicts and disagreements between Arab regimes or its assessment that it is a brilliant success of this system or a shameful failure of this regime.
The most important aspect of this scene, with the will, interests and dreams of societies and peoples, is the contempt of some, the desperation and deception of others. What hurts and hurts is that these peoples and societies pay the heavy price, the destruction of their cities and the deliberate absence of their social services such as education, health, transport and work, and the planned displacement of millions of people to shelters and beg on the street and must sell their bodies and indulge in all sorts of vices.
With a burning heart and a sense of helplessness, people see daily scenes of children, women and elderly people crying and begging on the streets and in the miserable and miserable shelters that humiliate human virility. The first remains as is and the corruption remains widespread and rooted, while the sun remains bright, while the terrifying darkness surrounds the majority of citizens wandering on their faces between the fires of hell that they live day and night.
The false claim that the movements in which violence threatens internal security must be confronted with oppression and prisons, the restriction of freedoms and the promulgation of innumerable forms or many unjust laws. But the movements of the past months, the peaceful and legally peaceful large millionaires have unveiled the content hidden behind the masks from the outside and from the inside.
All means of deception, procrastination, arrests, manipulation of time and false accusations, as well as promises of dishonorable abortions have all been used and reintroduced as a promising and necessary response to the demands of millions innocents in every aspect of their lives.
The hope was that elites of Arab domination would learn insane tragedies that covered parts of the Arab world in the last ten years and sent the Arab country back to ruin and a door where crows would be shaken and that Arab regional institutions would wake up from their sleep and laziness and lack of cunning. Her conscience is still valid and she continues to exercise the motto: "Ali and my enemies, and everyone should burn".
Anyone who wants to describe what we said can be considered crying cries of the Arab nation. But the nostalgia and tribulations experienced by the Arab nation must be described as such: perhaps the glasses of demons, while smiling in most Arab capitals, move a movement in the only desired field: Arab civil societies , especially their youth.
They must be aware that all public relations practices manifested by some parties are malicious and distorted, and that the systematic payment of the immersion of the country's youth and youth in the global culture of individual consumerism, to the Against any national, national and human commitment, and this obsessive obsession with sports competitions, Social communication changing on a daily basis … that all this will not be a decisive and sure way to get their country out of the world. hell in which they live and respond to the forces of internal and external concessions to the just demands that they have posed.
All this will not dry the tears, stop the bloodshed, will not prevent the destruction of the cities and will not delay the rapid movement to give the intelligence the legitimacy important decisions.
What we have said and said is that there is no solution except by creating a harmonious, cooperative and supportive mass of active Arab civil society forces that express the conscience of the nation, in order to cope the dangerous decline to which the nation is heading, no one can escape the floods that are raging and planning for this nation.
When the movements and revolutions of the Arab Spring began, and many of them failed, we said that revolutions have a logic of failure and success, that they succeed one another. Millions of Arabs are once again demanding freedom, dignity and justice, and these people will continue to change their miserable situation, no matter how painful it may be. This fact must convince many internal and external actors not to bet on the time and weakness that will prevail in this country, which will increase in the long or short term.

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