Three Chinese companies collaborate on the development of an AirDrop type iPhone system


We offer you the latest news of the hour in the following article:

August 19, 2019

Three of China's largest smartphone manufacturers are working together on a new wireless file transfer protocol that will work between their devices. peer to peer Inside his Android phones.

According to the site TheVerge The protocol will use Bluetooth to connect devices to each other and should be able to transmit speeds up to 20 MB / s, which indicates that it uses Wi-Fi on the main server, for example: AirDrop Apple.

Other smartphone manufacturers may apply to join the current Allied trio, and a trial version of the service is scheduled for the end of the month.

Google has attempted to launch similar services toAirDrop For Android in the past, but these attempts were not as strong and effective as those available on Apple devices.

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Source: day 7

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