Thursday, launch of the study "Child Labor in Arab Countries"


The Arab Council for Children and Development and the League of Arab States will launch next Thursday a study on "Child Labor in Arab Countries". The launch of this study is the time to once again recall the seriousness of this issue and to stress the importance of activating legislation published in the Arab countries. Negative impacts on communities

According to reports, 10 million Arab workers have been exposed to conditions and factors in the world of employers that would deprive them of exploitation in such a way as to deprive them of their childhood and look to the future. This exploitation takes many forms, the most important of which is to employ them in unskilled jobs to exercise them psychologically and physically. Among the international conventions have deprived the economic exploitation of children, in addition to Arab conventions specialized in the field of child labor.

Mr. Hassan al-Baylawi, Secretary-General of the Council, stressed that the result of this alarming figure, which widened his circles under the conditions of instability experienced by some Arab countries, called on the Council to work on its side to solve this problem in the long term, keeping in mind 5 concepts of "" Work that represents a heavy burden for the child and whose safety, health and well – being threaten the work that benefits the vulnerability and inability of the child to defend his rights, which exploits child labor as a cheap alternative to adult work, which exploits the existence of children and does not contribute to their development, And the work that harms the education and training of the child Has changed his life and his future.

Al-Baylawi said that the Council's role was to monitor and tackle the phenomenon of child labor in the Arab countries, and that these children had abandoned basic education, had entered the country. labor market in different circumstances and increased their number from year to year without planning or orientation. A report published by the Council in the wake of the development gap between the countries of the North and the South and the persistent problem of indebtedness that hampered development efforts in developing countries, including the Arab countries.

He added that the Council had prepared four studies on this issue, which showed that working children are more independent and more able to fight than their non-working peers, but that they are more aggressive and that most of them are victims of physical and psychological aggression on the part of the employer And the low level of social and personal harmony.He stressed that the Council had examined the situation of working children in Arab countries in the framework of the first regional study on child labor in 1993, which included nine Arab countries and conducted in cooperation with the ILO. And its causes And to propose solutions, the results of this study were presented at an extended symposium in collaboration with the ILO.

The Secretary-General of the Council noted that one of the Council's most remarkable achievements in this regard had been its participation in the preparation of the Arab Strategy for the Reduction of Child Labor, in cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Arab Labor and the League of Arab States, and its support for the Maritime Scouting Project in Alexandria. And the translation and localization of the comprehensive training program for the design, implementation and evaluation of intervention programs aimed at solving the problem of child labor in cooperation with the program Abec de l'& # 39; 39. ILO and the Arab Gulf Region Development Program (AGFUND) In ​​2003, the Council established a general framework to tackle the problem of the worst forms of child labor, which was distributed to the Arab countries. to take advantage of this, in cooperation with the League of Arab States, the Arab Labor Organization and the German Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Enas Makkawi, Director of the Women, Family and Family Department of the League of Arab States, has already pointed out that the elimination of child labor in the Arab countries was linked to several factors, including the struggle against child labor. against poverty and the provision of security and stability, the provision of comprehensive development programs, excellence in education and health. The issue of child labor is a large-scale multidimensional issue that has become a reality because of terrorism in the region, armed conflict and instability in many Arab countries.

These conflicts and situations of instability have led to an increase in the number of children in the labor market, whether they engage in natural activities such as agriculture or industry, who are not internationally criminalized, or criminals. international organizations, such as child labor, are in hazardous areas in several countries in the region. That it takes a calculated break to deal with the future of this issue and help the member states of the university in their efforts to reduce them.

In 1989, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which defines children as any human being under the age of 18, and stresses the need to protect the child from abuse. child of economic exploitation and to perform any work likely to constitute a danger or impede his education, Physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social.

The issue of child labor is governed by international conventions and standards, including the International Labor Conventions on Minimum Age for Admission to Employment, the Worst Forms of Child Labor, and the Convention. on the rights of the child and the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, as well as the Arab Conventions on the work of the Arab Labor Organization. Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic , Arabic, Arabic, Arabic, Arabic, Arabic, Arabic, Arabic, Arabic, Arabic, Arabic, Arabic, Arabic, Arabic, Arabic, Arabic, Arabic It must provide periodic medical care guarantees and hours of work.

The Arab Convention No. 18 of 1996 on the work of minors is the first Arab convention specialized in the field of child labor, which was an extension of the series of principles affirmed by previous Arab conventions in this field. : the child was defined as the person who filled the 13 men or women) and prohibited the work of persons under 13 years and stipulated that all economic activities, with the exception of non-agricultural work dangerous and non-dangerous, were regulated by the competent authority of the state, taking into account the minimum age of children.

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