Tips for Maintaining Mental Health at Home and at Work


London – The international magazine “L” has revealed that some people find it difficult to resist stress and maintain their mental health, whether with family, with others or at work, so a number of writers and experts have tried to provide some tips that can help you feel better.

André Comte Sponville, author of the Dictionnaire philosophique, finds it important to reinvest in the inner world.

“You have to stop everything as soon as you turn off the computer or the TV, in moments of loneliness you can see yourself better in yourself, and therefore you can enter into a real relationship with others”, he said. he says.

“Work is also a cure for depression. We were born to do and to feel the need to obtain a result, to be useful to ourselves and to others, whether we are working in the humanitarian community or whether we are” grow cabbage. “

As for Natalie Goldberg, author of “Why Writing Makes You Happy”, she explained that “writing gives us a feeling of appeasement, provided we make this moment a free time, to silence the censorship in us. Freedom , move away from the logic that controls us to give free rein to our spontaneity.

Journalist Natasha Calastremy advises people to define the place they dreamed of by saying: “The principle of imagination becomes a principle of reality, and projecting oneself into another reality removes the obstacles that prevent us from reaching our desires. “

And she added that we also need to listen to our bodies, noting that the body often tells us if we are in good shape in a relationship or somewhere. the body by the lifting of the shoulders or the contraction of the jaw, so that the body rarely lies.

“Watching the events that characterized our day is a way to find out what works for us, and what makes us feel good, by evaluating our emotions, guiding the situations and events that we have been through, which gives us the ‘opportunity to think about doing the things in which we have failed, ”explains Nicolas Rocher, specialist in psychophysical rehabilitation. Different “.

Rocher recommends “changing what we have done, like the way we take everyday to work, the way we communicate with our managers, armed with our confidence in our results, or the way we communicate with our friends”, noting that “Putting yourself in different situations allows you to recognize your potential, and therefore to feel alive.

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