To prevent cancer .. 10 foods must be traveling


Cancer is a serious disease that threatens human life and is caused by many factors, including a diet that is low in nutrients that help reduce the growth of free radicals that cause the disease. We will therefore identify the main foods that help prevent cancer. , According to the website " rd "He said.

The album contains sulfur compounds that stimulate the immune system's natural defenses against cancer, thereby limiting tumor growth.


Broccoli is one of the most important foods to prevent cancer, but a Spanish study has shown that the status of broccoli in the microwave destroys 97% of the flavonoids that protect against cancer, so it should be avoided before warming it up.

Brockley 3

– Fresh lemon juice, where Australian researchers discovered that daily consumption of citrus fruit reduced the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and stomach, as well as the esophagus.

Lemon juice

– Artichoke, because it contains a large proportion of silymarin, an antioxidant that can help prevent skin cancer.

Artichoke "src =" خرشوف. Jpg "style =" height: 367px; width: 550px; "title =" Artichoke

– Salmon, where Australian researchers found that people who ate four or more meals a week were less likely to develop leukemia.

Salmon "src =" Salmon. Jpg "style =" height: 321px; width: 550px; "title =" salmon

– Kiwi, this small fruit contains antioxidants that limit the growth of free radicals, in addition to vitamin C And vitamin E Lutein and copper.

Kiwi "src =" kiwi. Jpg "style =" height: 380px; width: 550px; "title =" kiwi

– Onions reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 50% and have a greater effect when you eat raw.

Onion "src =" بصل. Jpg "style =" height: 365px; width: 550px; "title =" Onion

– Daily consumption of black tea reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by 32% because it contains flavonoids that limit the growth of free radicals.

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– Apples are fruits that help prevent cancer because they contain natural fibers, which produce chemicals that help fight the formation of cancer cells.

Apple "src =" apple.jpg "style =" height: 298px; width: 550px; "title =" Apple

– The addition of attorneys to power promotes the absorption of anticancer antioxidants such as lycopene contained in tomatoes and beta-carotene derived from carrots.

Lawyer "src =" lawyer. Jpg "style =" height: 366px; width: 550px; "title =" lawyer

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