Top News A new property of "Iftab" to restore deleted images years ago


At first, we wish you health, hoping that you will always be the best, a new feature of "Iatab" to restore images deleted years ago, where we encourage to provide news content which have satisfied your visitors. Where our news site aims to monitor all the news that are now on the scene and we bring it from many reliable sources of information, in a source, an information site, and start with our news today, which is the most important A new feature of "and Attab" to restore images deleted years ago

Today – Friday, July 6, 2018 06:05 AM – News News – News from Friday, July 6, 2018 06:05 – Books – Asim Al-Ansari:


Many users of the application "IATSAB" are facing a problem with the images, video clips and different types of media that are accidentally deleted from the application.

The Android Android technical website published a report in which he published a collection of information on how to reload and view all deleted media from the IATABAB application.

This should be implemented via a new update that has been supported for the beta, and will be available for the general release of ATSAP within a month or two at the latest.

The new update, called "perpetual storage", allows the reloading of various deleted media, even if it has been years since it was removed.

Any user can now restore any deleted media from the phone's gallery or file manager, conversations will appear in an unclear thumbnail that allows them to be downloaded again, but the new update also allows these media to be reloaded. Conversations via "Attaab", which gives the user "eternal memory" unsalted at all.

Finally, we would like to thank you dear visitors Ali Hassan Follow us, and follow the news of the most important news | A new feature of "IATSAP" to restore images deleted years ago through our news site News, let's not forget our dear visitor admiring our page on social networking sites Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus to keep you informed. A new feature of "Iftab" to restore images deleted years ago

Top News A new feature of "and Attab" to restore deleted photos years ago – News News – News News – news them more important A new "and attach" feature to restore deleted images years ago.

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