"Transport": cancellation of ownership condition of vehicles for licensing – Saudi News


Abdulrahman Al-Mesbahi (Jeddah)

The Vice President of the Public Transport Authority for Land Transport, Fawaz Al-Sahli, said the Authority had canceled in its new regulations the condition of possession of a minimum number of vehicles for obtaining land transport licenses, pointing out that the main obstacles faced by investors in the past were the requirement to own them directly or indirectly for a minimum number of vehicles. .

"The TRA is re-evaluating 12 activities in order to remove the obstacles faced by business owners in transport activities," he said.

In a related context, the Public Transport Authority announced yesterday that it would begin to install truck tracking and weight control devices in Saudi Arabia, and require different carriers to use them from 1st of April 2019 (after 30 days).

Dr. Rumih Al-Rumaih, head of the Public Transport Authority, explained that the installation of truck tracking and weight control devices was one of the procedures of the executive programs in favor of the regulation of freight transportation and merchant brokers effective at the beginning of the current year (AH 1440H), For drivers and the operational efficiency of trucks, improve road safety and preserve the The environment, strengthen the competitiveness of the sector to provide better services and regulate contractual relations between all parties involved in the transport process.

He explained that the decision to install mandatory tracking and weight measurement devices in trucks would help increase the level of safety, efficiency and quality of service and control. In addition to maintaining the quality of roads and reducing the impact of overloads, it is easy, thanks to this technology, to locate the truck and control speed, control speed, control weight

This technique makes it possible to control the hours of work of the truck drivers and to ensure the regularity of the trucks and their drivers, which makes it possible to integrate the work with partner government agencies such as the Ministry of Transport. Interior represented by the Directorate General of Traffic, Road Safety, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Increase levels of safety and efficiency on the roads of the kingdom.

The Vice President of the Public Transport Authority of the land transport sector, Fawaz Al-Sahli, said that the procedure of installation of the devices of follow-up of the heavy goods vehicles and control of their weight would become obligatory for new trucks starting 1/4/2019. Track devices when renewing their operational maps.

He explained that the Authority wanted to rehabilitate a number of monitoring service providers and install measuring devices, weights and link this modern "Wasl" technology platform.

He clarified that the list of approved companies will be periodically published and that the TRA allows all CITC-approved companies to provide follow-up services to the Transportation Authority to provide this service. "" By direct communication with the Commission.

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