Treatment of dental pain at home and at the doctor


For the most common causes of dental pain, a good diagnosis with proper dental care, such as cleaning the teeth with a fluoride toothpaste, flossing, rinsing with a mouthwash and routine dental exams, help to prevent dental problems. .

The dental pain occurs according to the medical site " webmdWhen nerves on the roots of teeth are irritating and injuries or tooth decay are one of the most common causes of dental pain.

Dental pain
Dental pain

The pain can also occur after removal of the tooth. The pain sometimes comes from other areas and moves to the jawbone and therefore appears to be a pain in the teeth, including the most common areas of jaw pain, to the ears and sinuses.

Bacteria that develop in the mouth can contribute to periodontal disease and tooth decay, both of which can cause pain, but often, gum disease causes no pain.

Causes of dental pain

Dental pain occurs as a result of inflammation of the central part of the tooth called heart, the pulp contains nerve endings very sensitive to pain, inflammation of the pulp can occur due to cavities in the teeth or of dental infection or exposure to shocks.

The duration of the pain of the teeth can be intense pressure pain, hot drinks or cold and can last more than 15 seconds. The more intense the inflammatory area, the more intense the pain is and extends longer, and can reach other areas such as the ear or the jaw. .

Treatment of dental pain
Treatment of dental pain

Treatment of dental pain at home

Non-prescription pain medications can be used to relieve pain.

Avoid cold or hot foods to increase pain.

A piece of cotton can be used with clove oil and placed in the place of pain.

Treatment of dental pain at the doctor
Treatment of dental pain at the doctor

Treatment of dental pain at the doctor

In most cases, dental pain or jaw is a problem that the dentist should adjust, especially if the pain is swelling or fever.

Depending on the problem, the dentist begins to solve it by making multiple choices depending on the condition of each person, filling the tooth, removing the badly injured tooth, cleaning the lime, treating the root canal and cleaning the nerves.

Preventing dental pain
Preventing dental pain

How to prevent tooth pain

Most people can avoid dental pain and serious dental problems by taking regular dental care with the following:

  • Maintain a healthy diet: stay away from sugars because bacteria thrive on refined sugar and starch and even stick to the teeth.

  • Cleaning Teeth To remove food residue: After eating, clean your teeth with a soft toothbrush with a fluoride toothpaste.

  • Use Mouth Sanitizer: Rinse mouth daily with antiseptic mouthwash to help remove plaque-causing bacteria and early gum disease.

  • Prevention of fluoride dental caries: Fluoride is effective in preventing tooth decay in children. Fluoride is a natural ingredient found in many water and vegetable supply sources. A dentist may, in some cases, prescribe fluoride tablets or fluoride supplements to children under 10 years of age.

  • Check your teeth at least twice a year, which should be done by a specialist to help you clean your teeth and prevent gum disease.

  • Maintain the cleanliness of prostheses: avoid any gum problem.

  • Stay away from smoking: Smoking can harm the health of your teeth and gums.

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