Trump attacks Germany: "prisoner" of Russia


US President Donald Trump on Wednesday launched a public attack against Germany's support for the construction of a gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea, declaring that Berlin was "a prisoner of Russia" and criticized for not to increase defense spending At a NATO summit in Brussels, NATO Secretary General Trump-Lins Stoltenberg said it was "totally inappropriate" to finance European defense against Russia while Germany, the richest European country, supported gas agreements. With Moscow.

Trump to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel will attend the summit later in the day and meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday. [16,600,000] Berlin has given political support to a new $ 11 billion gas pipeline carrying Russian gas across the Baltic Sea. Others in the European Union. Merkel said the line was a private company not funded by taxpayers in Germany.

Trump renewed his call to NATO allies to increase contributions to his budget after US taxpayers claimed an unjust share of military spending for many years.

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