After the arrest of artist Mona Farouk and Shaima Al Haj because of their porn video with a famous director, social networking sites marvel at a new video revealed to Rania Youssef in sexual positions with Khaled Youssef.
After the spread of pornography attributed to the Egyptian actress Rania Youssef, a wave of controversy was triggered, which prompted the artist to deny that it was the series in the video, threatening to pursue those who offend him.
In a phone interview with the "story" show presented by Amr Adib media, she explained that an unofficial website aired from Turkey had decided to include her name in a flagrant video .
She confirmed that the girl in the video did not look like her, but they used her name to increase the number of viewers in the video.
Rania said: "My name is included in any calamity, and I and my children pay the price, I tried to open the video, I did not know, and we became" stained "and every morning we woke up with bad news. "
At the end of the conversation, Rania Youssef confirmed that she had spoken with the Egyptian Union of Actors and that prosecutions would be initiated against all the attackers.
The artist also posted on his personal account via Twitter a press release about the video leaked with Khaled Youssef, stating: "The press office of the artist Rania Youssef will be sued against any website or newspaper or any social networking site page that directly or indirectly offends it.When publishing news or defamation images in accordance with the articles and provisions of the Penal Code, they will not be underestimated by any other person. a person or entity that assists in the publication of offensive or false media, and will report it legally.
It is worth mentioning that social networking sites in the Arab Republic of Egypt were unveiled Thursday morning with a video that would have been leaked by Egyptian artist Rania Youssef and Khaled Youssef.
Where a number of pages on social networking sites and Twitter have released a new video revealed artist Rania Youssef and Khaled Youssef significantly.
Where the anger and condemnation of the pioneering social networking sites after the leak of the scandalous video revealed artist Rania Youssef and Khaled Youssef, questioning the truth of this video and demanding the need for them to hold court accountable, and to inflict the greatest punishment on them.
It is worth mentioning that director Khaled Youssef was the subject of a video leak during the last period with the artist Mona Farouk and Shaima Haj.
This site apologizes to you "Dot Gulf" for the publication of this video of the artist Rania Youssef and Khaled Youssef because of the scenes in the video of the moral.
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