"Unexpected" causes .. prevent pregnancy!


Many women have difficulty getting pregnant for a variety of reasons, some of which may seem complex, but many do not realize that simple and unexpected problems can lead to late reproduction. Common problems that can hinder or delay pregnancy are:

Psychological problems and stress
With the acceleration of lifestyle and work pressure, many women suffer from stress and anxiety. These psychological problems affect the dates of ovulation and the menstrual cycle because they cause hormonal disorders.

Lack or weight gain
Healthy weight is of great importance in women's fertility: when they are too thin, egg production is affected and the high weight gain causes problems for women such as PCOS, who also the pregnancy. Male website "Medicine".

To take pills
In some cases, the cause of late pregnancy is the use of certain medications to treat other health problems, without women noticing that these drugs are related to fertility and hormones .

Unhealthy foods
Too much junk food and too much fat can affect fertility. Men's sexual health can also be affected by these harmful foods.

High cholesterol
When cholesterol levels increase in the body, the fertility suffers and the problem requires a medical intervention to treat it, because of the risks that it presents for the health, as well as the need to avoid them. foods that cause high cholesterol levels, harmful to the body.

Immune system dysfunction
Many women do not imagine a link between pregnancy and the immune system in the body: if a defect occurs in the immune system, it can attack the eggs in the body of the woman, as well as the sperm in the body of the man.
When this happens, the oocytes are affected and are no longer prepared for fertilization. The immune system of the sperm destroys them.

Irregular menstruation
When the menstrual cycle is irregular in women, the chances of pregnancy are reduced because it is difficult to determine the dates of ovulation. It is therefore necessary to follow up with the doctor and take medication to help organize the menstrual cycle.
Medications for depression are one of the most important drugs that affect ovulation and cause prolactin secretion from the body, which plays a role in blocking ovulation and pregnancy.

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