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Today, Thursday, the United Nations Children’s Fund, “UNICEF”, warned of the dangerous repercussions of the new Corona epidemic on children’s mental health.
This is what emerges from a report published by the international organization, approaching the first anniversary of the epidemic.
The report says at least one in seven children, or 332 million worldwide, have lived under the quarantine and stay-at-home policies imposed for at least nine months since the start of the Corona pandemic.
According to the report, UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore said: “With the closures and restrictions on movement associated with the epidemic, a long and heavy year has passed for us, especially for children. “
She added: “Many children feel fear, loneliness and anxiety, and we need to come out of this epidemic with a better approach to child and adolescent mental health, and that starts with giving this right. question the attention it deserves. “
As the epidemic enters its second year, its impact on the mental health and psychosocial well-being of children and youth is wreaking havoc, according to the report.
The report states that large numbers of children who suffer from violence, neglect or abuse at home, are stranded with the wrong people and without the support of educational executives, families and communities.
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