Unisex .. Rehabilitation positions in health and administrative in the center of Majmaa University


The presentation will begin next Sunday at headquarters and according to a set of conditions and controls

The Al-Majmaa International Center for Rehabilitation Techniques and Artificial Limbs has announced the availability of administrative and health functions for men and women and wishes to have qualifications and qualifications.

The Center noted that these posts were:

First: the position of physiotherapist for men and women, to be a candidate: the candidate must have a bachelor's degree in physiotherapy, preferably at least two years proficient in English, before having experience of quality standards in physiotherapy centers.

Secondly, the function of physiotherapist "prostheses" reserved for women and required the Center to ask them to hold an honors degree in physiotherapy, preferably with at least two years' experience in English.

Third, the female "Receptionist" and Center positions opened the field to licensed candidates in all specialties, mastering English and computer use.

The Center also pointed out that candidates and candidates must meet general conditions and rules, including: apply only for one of the positions mentioned in the advertisement, obtain a certificate of classification and professional registration on behalf of the Saudi Commission of Health Specialties and a medical aptitude of the candidate.

The Center confirmed that these jobs would be presented on Sunday, July 17, 2014 at 11 am at the headquarters of the Center of the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences of Majmaa University, with the documents and certificates required under the conditions.

Unisex .. Rehabilitation positions in health and administrative in the center of Majmaa University


The Al-Majmaa International Center for Rehabilitation Techniques and Artificial Limbs has announced the availability of administrative and health functions for men and women and wishes to have qualifications and qualifications.

The Center noted that these posts were:

First: the position of physiotherapist for men and women, to be a candidate: the candidate must have a bachelor's degree in physiotherapy, preferably at least two years proficient in English, before having experience of quality standards in physiotherapy centers.

Secondly, the function of physiotherapist "prostheses" reserved for women and required the Center to ask them to hold an honors degree in physiotherapy, preferably with at least two years' experience in English.

Third, the female "Receptionist" and Center positions opened the field to licensed candidates in all specialties, mastering English and computer use.

The Center also pointed out that candidates and candidates must meet general conditions and rules, including: apply only for one of the positions mentioned in the advertisement, obtain a certificate of classification and professional registration on behalf of the Saudi Commission of Health Specialties and a medical aptitude of the candidate.

The Center confirmed that these jobs would be presented on Sunday, July 17, 2014 at 11 am at the headquarters of the Center of the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences of Majmaa University, with the documents and certificates required under the conditions.

March 20, 2019 – 13 Rajab 1440

The time now is 10:55 AM

The presentation will begin next Sunday at headquarters and according to a set of conditions and controls

The Al-Majmaa International Center for Rehabilitation Techniques and Artificial Limbs has announced the availability of administrative and health functions for men and women and wishes to have qualifications and qualifications.

The Center noted that these posts were:

First: the position of physiotherapist for men and women, to be a candidate: the candidate must have a bachelor's degree in physiotherapy, preferably at least two years proficient in English, before having experience of quality standards in physiotherapy centers.

Secondly, the function of physiotherapist "prostheses" reserved for women and required the Center to ask them to hold an honors degree in physiotherapy, preferably with at least two years' experience in English.

Third, the female "Receptionist" and Center positions opened the field to licensed candidates in all specialties, mastering English and computer use.

The Center also pointed out that candidates and candidates must meet general conditions and rules, including: apply only for one of the positions mentioned in the advertisement, obtain a certificate of classification and professional registration on behalf of the Saudi Commission of Health Specialties and a medical aptitude of the candidate.

The Center confirmed that these jobs would be presented on Sunday, July 17, 2014 at 11 am at the headquarters of the Center of the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences of Majmaa University, with the documents and certificates required under the conditions.

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