URGENT: The Ministry of the Municipality responds to the Jeddah Secretary: District Secretaries are responsible for the activities and accounting of the contractors


The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs has just commented the mayor of Jeddah Saleh Turki, who spoke in a video of the negligence of some entrepreneurs in the performance of their duties.

Referring to the sliding video of the mayor of Jeddah during his speech on the negligence of some contractors in the performance of their duties, the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs noted that the administrators of the regions and governorates are directly responsible for all municipal works and projects carried out as part of their supervision, including the responsibility to monitor the quality and safety of the implementation of these projects and projects. "

She pointed out that the administrators of the regions and governorates have extensive powers to strengthen the supervision of municipal works and projects, notably by imposing fines on offenders, and that they recommend, through the committees of the governorates, review, withdraw projects from uncommitted contractors and perform the work at their expense.

The Department's mandate with respect to these authorities falls within the recently developed capacity for performance development, which includes giving administrators all the administrative and financial powers to perform their tasks and that the ministry exercise its role as legislator and possibly as observer of the functioning of the secretariats.

She pointed out that contractors who are negligent in carrying out projects and projects entrusted to them will be subject to the recognition and application of the penalties prescribed in the regulations and instructions.

The development of the secretariats' performance is a priority for His Excellency the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Majid bin Abdullah Al Qassabi, who meets regularly with the secretaries of the regions and governorates. The ministry has defined indicators to measure the performance of each secretariat.

At a meeting held at the Chamber of Commerce, leaders of social networking sites discussed a video clip of the secretary of Jeddah in which he accused the entrepreneurs of the lack of credibility and manipulation of their that all entrepreneurs were violating and that the fines were useless.
He promised to publish in Amana magazine the names of the offenders, as well as their phone numbers and addresses, in the following terms: We tell the citizens that these officials are Tardhm. No solution because of the fines. What benefits me and does not benefit the citizen. The citizen wants a service, and the contractor accepts the fine and does not provide a service.
What some have commented as avoiding responsibility.

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