Video: Dubai police sue world actor Jackie Chan


Videos and photos, following the Dubai police authorities, showed the world
The star of action, Jackie Chan.
These sections show an aspect of the actor's work on the film
New in Dubai, titled "Vanguard", directed by Stanley Tong.
The Dubai Government Information Office has been published on its official website.
"Twitter" a video in which Jackie Chan points out that "Dubai is a great place to shoot movies, and this
That's why we're going back to filming more. "
"You feel comfortable when you shoot
Here, the police help you and even the government helps you, do not worry.
Something ".
He explained the chief operating officer of the Dubai Television Production Commission
And the film, that some of the actors of the movie "Vanguard" appeared in the uniforms of the Dubai police. There is a snapshot
To pursue one of the officers of the global representative of downtown Dubai, Mall.

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