Video Elham El Fadala is expecting his first grandson from his daughter Mona Al-Otaibi and what about the sex of the fetus ?!


Kuwaiti actress Elham al-Fadala has learned that her daughter Mona Al-Otaibi is expecting her first child, about 4 months after her marriage.

The inspiration expects a new child in the family

Inspiration of Virtue announces surprise

And published Inspiration of virtue Through her review of Snape Chat, several videos that she expressed her happiness at becoming a grandmother and commented: "Rahm mama Elham, Mama Loma, and it's a secret to announce the announcement. ", and drew the Kuwaiti star to the fact that she would agree with the doctor Her husband is the same age.

She confirmed Inspiration of virtue That she will announce the surprise – the type of fetus – instead of the treated doctor, all the more so as it is considered the grandmother of the expected and recovered child.

Inspiration of Virtue expecting a new child

In another video, the doctor wrote the baby's type in a paper and gave it to him. Inspire curiosityWho refused to tell her daughters all the details, and intrigued them in a funny way, then said that she had learned the fetus type but that it was a surprise for her daughter and her husband.

C & # 39; was Inspiration of virtue Celebrated the wedding of his daughter Mona last November, at a grand ceremony attended by many close friends, including the artist Fatima Al-Safi and Hia Shuaibi.

The artist Elham Al Fadala

To note that Inspiration of virtue She had recently undergone a stomach operation and posted a video chat with Snape inside the hospital after the operation to reassure her audience.

The Kuwaiti star is currently busy shooting her role in the series "What do you know about my mother," which shares the spotlight with several stars, including Haya Shuaibi and Hanadi Kandari and Satiety Sat and others.

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