Jane Omran attacked the media because of an old video that social media leaders have rebroadcasted.
"Jane" appears in the video with her sister, Aseel, while they eat the punch at the gulf, eating rice and meat with Chinese fingers instead of spoons and saucers.
"Asil" tried to act elegantly in front of the camera, where the rice was placed in the dish and carried the spoon, but Jane urged her to say: "No sweeter than that .. No civilization without watermelon .. Sweetness to eat well … Plastic in the hand.
Asil followed his brother's advice and ate with the hand of the dish to embarrass his sister sarcastically: "May the dish profit you, no one speaks to me."
Jane responded to her reviews with a few words and direct messages via her page on the Instagram app, saying, "Good words and nice words cost you nothing and their effect is magical."
"If you can not live optimism and hope and give it to others, do not force those around you to experience your frustrations and your pessimism."
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