Video News .. "Saher" hidden behind a lamppost .. And the controversy between activists on its regularity


From the videoA video documented by one of the "Saher" speed controllers was hidden behind an electrical pylon and only appeared when drivers approached it, which sparked controversy among social media activists .

The cameraman wondered if the scheme allowed Saher to be placed in such a way behind the columns. A number of activists went to criticize the concealment of these gears, pointing out that the purpose of the "Saher" was to contribute to the education of the owners of the road and not to their surveillance and to their hunting, demanding the responsibility of those responsible.

Others have pointed out that the status of "Saher" poses no danger, whether it is hidden or visible, and that drivers must adhere to speed limits, pointing out that many reckless jobs aimed at calming the speed when they approach the "Saher" and resume the high-speed road past.

A similar situation occurred two years ago, and the traffic responded that the location of the monitoring device means nothing so long as the driver of the vehicle agrees to respect the speed of the specified route, and that it is the original.

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