Although he pointed to the fictitious success of his recent north coast concert, Mohamed Ramadan was attacked and widely criticized on the websites because of the chaos of his last concert.
#Mohamed Ramadan "Jae-jin simplifies and does not create problems …" #ET_ in Arabic Seen at the concert and carry events. The full video is available on the link https://t.co/siA5hfvEVy#ET_ in Arabic@ Mohamed_Ramadan pic.twitter.com/ja6iH9Si9J
– AND in Arabic (@etbilArabi) August 24, 2019
Is Mohamed Ramadan facing a new crisis with the Syndicat des musiciens?
The pioneers of social networking sites broadcast videos of Mohammed Ramadan's last concert yesterday on the north coast, showing several scenes proving the state of chaos and world at the ceremony, as well as several clips showing the audience during from their ascent to the theater next to Mohammed Ramadan, which made him stop singing more than once.
Mohammed Ramadan had to deal with a number of embarrassing situations because of the crowd and his rise on stage, as well as the loss of control of security guards in certain situations, which led him to appeal to the public for that he stays calm and takes pleasure in the ceremony. At the same time, many participants expressed anger at the poor organization. Some were impressed by the general public and success.
Mohammed Ramadan faced a crisis with the Union of Musicians after his first concert recently because of his bold clothes, before ending the crisis by pledging not to repeat the case, commented his concert on the north coast at the expense of Panstkram: The coast and the highest attendance rate in the history of the north coast have exceeded 150,000 people. Our Lord supports love, the most expensive audience in the world.
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