Video – You will not believe how Dina Al-Sherbini and Yasmin danced in the "Kiki Challenge"? What is the relationship of Amr Diab?


A new cry, called "Kiki Challenge" or Kiki Challenge, was recently launched: the person gets out of the car and dances on a song while the car is circulating in and around, Dina al-Sherbini and Yasmin the President

Both of them at the same time video on their pages on "Entgram", and Dina Sherbini got out of the car and danced on the song "Shoukna" and showed signs of joy and of spontaneity during his dance, and wrote a commentary on the video: Head "in reference to what Yasmine's head is the one who picked up the video."

Then they traded Where the head of the car, the dancer Yasmin Bashtaq, played for star Mohammed Fuad, and wrote a suspended "head": "Kiki Min, Long live Egypt, directed by Dina El Sherbini", in reference to Dina El Sherbini who filmed it

The two stars sparked controversy on social networking sites, including Dina El Sher bini for choosing a song for Amr Diab.

Sherbini had accompanied the set in Russia, where he was holding a team dedicated to supporting the Egyptian Football World Team, and then exchanged a clip of a photographer appeared Diab kisses the Sherbini on The sound of his song "Habibi Ya Nour El Ein" in a concert.

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