Virgin Galactic .. towards the launch of tourist trips in the space

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Moose was joined by a great teacher astronauts In a company that will train future tourists to pilots aboard "Space Ship to VS." To evaluate the experience and the compartment.

The White Knight Two was launched from Muhavi Air Base at California On Saturday morning, leave the Space Ship spacecraft at a height of about 44,000 feet, then continue the flight at 290,000 feet above the ground.

The vehicle was about 270,000 feet in December, making it the first US commercial flight to fly in the atmosphere since the end of the program. Spaceship American in 2011.

Branson runs with other companies Guided tours Including Blue Origne from Amazon and Spice X, founded by entrepreneur Elon Mask.


Moussaise, the company's best astronaut, has joined the company that will train future tourists to SpaceShip pilots at VSI Unity to evaluate the experience and cabin.

The White Knight Two was launched Saturday morning from Mohavi Air Force Base in California, leaving the SpaceShipOne spacecraft at approximately 44,000 feet and then continuing to fly 290,000 feet above the ground.

The vehicle had reached an altitude of about 270,000 feet in December, becoming the first commercial flight to fly in the atmosphere since the end of the US space shuttle program in 2011.

Branson is racing with other companies for space travel, including Blue Origne from Amazon and Spice X, founded by entrepreneur Elon Mask.

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