Vitamin B12 deficiency weakens the body's immunity


Vitamin B12 deficiency weakens body immunity

Scientists at Rice University have for the first time discovered a direct relationship between vitamin B12 deficiency caused by dietary imbalance and the risk of infection.

Experiments conducted by scientists have shown that the absence of this vitamin severely reduces the immunity of the body, making it weaker against pathogens and stress.

"Vitamin B12 deficiency harms cellular health through mitochondria," the researchers wrote on the university's website. The lack of this vitamin in the body causes chronic fatigue, anemia and psychological illness (schizophrenia). The human body does not produce this vitamin, so it must be obtained from the foods it consumes.

The results of experiments conducted by scientists on cylindrical worms that do not produce the body of this vitamin. Worms containing a high proportion of vitamin in the diet were resistant to a large number of risks to immunity (environmental modification conditions, temperature variations, etc.). Compared to worms whose diet contains few vitamins.

The researchers also pointed out that the lack of vitamin "B12" resulted in the accumulation of partially dissolved amino acids in the mitochondria, resulting in low work and the appearance of immune problems.

For her part, the Russian nutrition specialist, Olga Perivalova, agrees with the conclusions of American scientists. "Vitamin B12 affects the absorption of iron in the body, and therefore the amount of oxygen that reaches the tissues.Therefore, when consuming adequate amounts of meat, liver and liver. Foods Containing an Ingredient Iron, vegetables, fish and legumes can maintain the level required for this vitamin in the body. "

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Source: constitution

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