Vitamin C increases the effectiveness of cancer treatments


Cairo – Lifestyle

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A recent study shows that a high dose of vitamin C supplements can improve the chemotherapy and radiation of some brain and lung cancers. The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Iowa and published their findings in the journal Cell Press. To achieve the results of the study, 11 patients with brain cancer received chemotherapy and radiation therapy, 3 high weekly doses of vitamin C for two months and two doses a week for another 7 months. The researchers found that the maximum dose of 800 to 1,000 times the normal dose contributed to the success of chemotherapy and radiation therapy in severe forms of brain and lung cancer. The team observed very low side effects on patients because of high doses of vitamin C, dry mouth and rare blood pressure. The high dose of vitamin C for patients with dangerous brain and lung tumors contributes to the success of treatment and prolongs the period following treatment, said the team. Researchers believe that vitamin C helps fight free radicals in body cells that are more sensitive and vulnerable during treatment and need protection. The benefits of vitamin C in the treatment of cancer were discovered in the 1970s and 1980s by Nobel Prize-winning scientist Ioan Cameron.

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Source: lifestyle

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