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Most studies and health statistics confirm that most people around the world suffer from vitamin D deficiency, especially people living in northern parts of the planet or people with little exposure to healthy, non-harmful sunshine.
A scientific review carried out by a number of scientists on a wide range of studies conducted in 2018 and published in the journal “Cureus” found that only 41.6% of adults in America suffer from vitamin D deficiency, which means that the percentage may be much higher in some countries with low levels of health care in general.
Scientists have confirmed that this decrease is a very worrying indicator due to the essential role that “vitamin D” plays in maintaining strong and healthy bones, perfect muscles, current mood swings and low immunity. human.
According to experts, a lack of “vitamin D” can cause “chaos in energy levels” in humans, which is a very dangerous indicator that anyone can sense and not realize its causes, according to the report published in the American magazine “Eat This, Not That”.
“Some symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are often confused with other symptoms … Chronic fatigue associated with vitamin D deficiency can be confused with fatigue associated with aging or with the usual stresses of life,” explains dietitian Trista Best.
Read also: Study reveals the dangerous effect of coffee and caffeine on “vitamin D”
Studies confirm vitamin D deficiency is linked to fatigue
Multiple case studies published in “Public Health Information” have shown that there is a link between low levels of “vitamin D” in the blood and fatigue.
A 2014 study published in the North American Journal of Medical Sciences found that fatigue symptoms improved dramatically after patients’ vitamin D levels increased with supplementation.
Additionally, another 2016 study published in the “National Library of Medicine” found that improvement in participants’ fatigue scores was directly correlated with higher levels of vitamin D in the research sample.
Medical centers recommend that all adults get around 600 international units (IU). An easy way to get more vitamin D is to focus on eating certain foods, such as egg yolks, fatty fish, red meat, and fortified grains.
According to nutrition and health expert Mary Murphy, owner of MEM Nutrition & Wellness, “expose yourself to the sun for five to 10 minutes between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.”
Also read: “Vitamin D” must be taken at specific times and with certain foods to benefit from its benefits
How can you tell the difference between fatigue caused by a lack of “vitamin D” and normal fatigue?
In general, experts warn against taking old supplements of “vitamin D”, with the need to consult a doctor in case of increased quantities, because this vitamin can be dangerous because soluble in fats.
“This means it can reach toxic levels in the body where it is stored rather than excreted as water-soluble vitamins,” says Besset. But she noted that if a person is given this vitamin, “the comfort one feels after the vitamin D deficiency has been corrected is a very important indicator” in knowing and treating the problem.
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