Vitamin D helps control asthma attacks


Higher levels of vitamin D help children with asthma better adapt to the adverse effects of indoor air pollution on the airways and strengthen bones, according to the latest medical research conducted on this topic .

"Asthma is an immunological disease," said Dr. Sonia Pose, a professor at New York University's School of Medicine. "Previous scientific studies suggested that vitamin D had a partial effect on asthma by acting on the pathways of antioxidants or immunosuppressants."

The researchers found that low levels of vitamin D in the blood were associated with the psychological effects of indoor air pollution from sources such as cigarette smoke, cooking, ignition of candles and Incense in children with asthma. High levels of vitamin D in the blood have been associated with a decrease in asthma symptoms in children, but results have shown that the effects were more pronounced in obese children.

The present study highlights a third factor, obesity, which helps to increase the risk of asthma, especially in people susceptible to the disease.

For the present study, published in the Journal of Clinical Allergy and Immunology, researchers tested three factors, domestic air pollution levels, vitamin D levels in the blood and ribon symptoms in 120 students. having already suffered from asthma. One-third of the children were obese.

One way to increase vitamin D levels in the blood is to increase sun exposure, but this is not always possible in urban areas or in dark-skinned people. You can also consume supplements or eat more foods containing rich vitamin D, such as fatty fish, mushrooms, vitamin D fortified foods, such as bread, orange juice or milk.

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