Volkswagen scandal .. $ 10 billion compensation for those affected and losses of $ 25 billion


A US court of appeal upheld an agreement to settle a scandal involving the German Volkswagen Group's giant diesel engine with diesel engine exhaust tests worth 10.03 billion of dollars.
The Ninth Circuit Court of the California Court of Appeals ruled in its decision that the settlement "offers substantial tangible benefits to members of this class" and that it is "just and appropriate" .
This settlement includes the recall and repair of approximately 500 diesel vehicles in the United States that was equipped with an illegal computer program to reduce the amount of exhaust emitted by these vehicles during the tests compared to the actual quantities emitted while driving under normal conditions of use.
The Court of Appeal began the proceedings after the dismissal of a number of people. "On a full compensation package that includes the ability to buy damaged cars, terminate their leases or scan the illegal computer program if possible.

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